Friday 16 May 2008

Making models

I have been trying out some different ideas for the shape of the sculpture, these are some rough models made with cardboard and masking tape, next I will work on the computer to develop these some of the ideas in CAD (computer aided design). They will be virtual models in the computer.

Wednesday 7 May 2008


I have posted some questions on the right side of the blog, I hope that you can help me by answering them, your answers will help me decide how to make the sculpture and what it will look like. One of the questions is - Should we include the school logo in the sculpture. These pictures will give you an idea of how the different parts of the school logo could be included, the Blue shapes are different bits of the logo and the Orange hands picture has bits of the logo cut out from the hand shapes, can you spot which bits of the logo have been cut out and which have not?